Print Journalism

Media is increasingly digitally-oriented, but there's still a unique pleasure to the printed word. Each of the below features is the product of strong ongoing relationships with editorial staff, an understanding of how those words will appear on the page, and a consistent ability to hit tight deadlines.

Film Daze

In my first feature for Film Daze, I tackled the tricky topic of abuse using the iconic Only Yesterday as a lens. Abuse comes in many forms and the quieter ones are sometimes the trickiest to intervene with. In his best Ghibli work, Isao Takahata tackles the issue with a real open heart, and, well, pineapples.

Film Stories

In this two-page print feature for the nationally syndicated magazine Film Stories I broke down the relationship between streaming content in our homes and runtime, questioning if the distinction between short and feature has any relevance in the Netflix era.


In the two years I've been writing for Dork I've appeared in a majority of their monthly print editions, interviewing an eclectic range of musicians, and reviewing the latest cutting-edge music releases. Below is a selection of longer features spanning issues from December 2019-December 2020.